District 1 - Playdowns & Finals
Closing Date Limite:
Date de Jeu:
District Playdowns &
District Finals
Présidente de la Compétition / Chairperson:
Frais d'Inscription/Entry Fee:
le 20 octobre 2023 / October 20, 2023
le 11 novembre / November 11, 2023
Club de curling Mont-Bruno
Curling Club
Roberta 'Robbie' Perron
District 2 - Playdowns & Finals
Closing Date Limite:
District Playdowns:
Reception / Réception:
District Finals / Finale de District:
Chairperson /
Présidente de la Compétition :
Entry Fee/ Frais d'inscription:
October16 / le 16 octobre, 2023
November 7 - 9 / le7-9 novembre, 2023
Rideau Curling Club
Rideau Curling Club
November 7/ le 7 novembre, 2023,
4:00 p.m. / 16h00
All competitors invited / Tous les compétiteurs sont invités
November 9 / le 9 novembre 2023
1:00PM / 13h00
Louise Howe
Championnat - le 30 novembre 2023
Alexandria Curling Club
Championships: November 30, 2023
10:30 am
Alexandria Curling Club
Rules and Regulations Printable version
1. Only clubs belonging to the LCA may enter this competition.
2. Curl Canada rules shall apply, including LCA Amendments.
3. Entry fee shall be set by the LCA.
4. All games are 8 ends except the Championship games between District 1and District 2 which will be 10 ends.
5. This is a competition for Senior Ladies. Competitors must be 55 years or over by the first game of the competition.
6. A club may enter as many rinks as are eligible. Two games guaranteed.
7. There are two trophies: CENTENNIAL and MARY McGUIRE. The winners of the first game play in the Centennial event and the losers play in the Mary McGuire.
8. The Championship Finals will be held alternately in District 1 and District 2.
9. Winning clubs shall be responsible for returning trophies and carrying cases to the LCA.
10. Composite rinks are allowed.
Bonspiel format open to LCA curlers 55 years of age and over.
Composite rinks permitted.
Two games guaranteed. Championship finals alternate each year between District 1 and 2.
The Centennial Trophy was presented to the Ladies Curling Association by Mr. W. Bidwell of Richard Hemsley Co. Limited (Hemsley's Jewellers) for the Ladies Senior Competition in April 1967, Canada's Centennial.
The Mary McGuire Trophy was presented to the Ladies Curling Association by the family of the late Mary McGuire for the Senior Competition in 1969. Mrs. A.M.J. McGuire, a member of Tecumseh Curling Club, was President of LCA in 1967-68 and an Honourary Lifetime Member.
District Winners and Runners-up receive pins
Championship Winners receive Trophy and Pins (gilt)
Championship Runners-up receive Pins (silver)