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 Jackson Centre 1 & 2

Closing Date - Febrruary 28, 2020

Date of Play -  Thursday, March 19, 2020 - Played in Centre 1 & 2

Chairperson - Heather Aldridge

Entry Fee - $28.00 ($4.00 for the Sandra Schmirler Foundation)

Awards Luncheon - Thursday, April 9, 2020

Rules and Regulations


  1. Only clubs belonging to the LCA may enter this competition.

  2. Curl Canada rules shall apply, including LCA Amendments.

  3. Entry fee shall be set by the LCA.

  4. All rinks play one eight-end game beginning at 9:30 a.m.

  5. Each rink must have its full complement of four (4) players. In case of an emergency, a team playing with only three (3) players will be penalized 2 points.

  6. Minimum of two teams per club required to be eligible for prizes.

  7. All games must be completed.

  8. Ties will not be broken. 

  9. Umpires to be present.


  11. The make-up of the team should not exceed 11 points: Skip  4 points Third 3 points Second 2 points Lead 1 point 

  12. If a Skip is 70 years of age or older and is not playing Skip, her rating can be lowered by one point.

  13. In a club that does not rate their players: If a player plays 50% or more club games in a position the previous year, she will be considered rated in that position for LCA competition purposes.

  14. No complete All-Star or ladder teams allowed. 


Each host club, if possible, should have one spare ready to play if necessary. 


SCORING BY PERCENTAGE: Points for plus points against = TOTAL

                                   Points for times 100 divided by TOTAL = PERCENTAGE.


October 2013

Open to LCA curlers in District 1 - Centres 1 and 2 and based on points. One eight-end game. Minimum of two teams per club required to be eligible for prize money. (added January 1988). This trophy was put into play in 1942, and in 1943 Mrs. Anderson of the St. Lawrence Curling Club donated a trophy to replace the Edinburgh Trophy. The Ladies of St. Lawrence Curling Club (donor's) name to be engraved on the trophy as they had won the LCA Granite Competition the first year ir was inaugurated.

Jackson Ladies Curling Association Granite Trophy to be engraved on the other side. The trophy was originally limited to play by Island clubs. The trophy was won by a team with high percentage score with no team rating, and was played on the same lines as the Edinburgh Trophy with a hidden partner from the same club. In 1964, clubs were asked to make up rinks on a point system, no more that ten points per rink (4 for a skip, 3 for a third, etc.) Each team had a hidden partner from the same club. Combined scores of these pairs determined winners. This was a one game event, 12 ends. 

Since 1967 it has been played as Grand Match, thereby a Club winning trophy, total scores of the teams being added and an average percentage win being worked out by the Committee. The point system is also followed in making up the rinks. The points per team have now been increased to eleven points.

A fixed portion of the registration fee is donated to the Sandra Schmirler Foundation.

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